Friday, July 15, 2005

7/14 homework

What is your philosophy of education?

I have answered this questions so many times in so many different classes, I can't remember what it is supposed to mean. These "philosophy" questions are very frustrating to me, because the questioner always seems to have a "right" answer in mind, but that defeats the very purpose of the question. In addition, my philosophy of education quite frequently seems to be at odds with my reality of teaching. Perhaps it is meant to make us strive to be better teachers, but when answering it, it just makes me depressed and frustrated.

Why did you become a teacher?

I became a teacher for a bunch of reasons, the two main ones seem to be that 1. it is a lifestyle that really fits me - I get to move around, not sit at a desk, it is new everyday, it is very interpersonal; 2. I need a job that I feel has a real purpose in the world, that I am making the world a better place.

What is important to you for your students?

So many things I can't begin to explain them all. Number 1 most important - that they know I care; that they matter to me.

How will you use digital images to support your philosophy of education?

I will use digital images in my classroom to promote use of different types of technology by my students so that they are aware of the different types out there and become comfortable using them. I will also use them as a way to access multiple intelligences and as a way for students to express themselves in a number of different medium.

What images will you choose?

I think this question is way too specific. I'll gather all sorts of different things as I go along.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Homework 7/13 Reflections

How will our project meet your students' learning styles and needs?

Our project will utilize computer skills, visuals and written text to meet students' individual learning styles. It will allow students to work at their own pace and to their own abilities.

How will your project address higher order thinking skills?

Students will need to analyze and reflect on work that we do in the classroom.

How will your project address the skills business and industry tell us are important?

Students will need to collaborate with their classmates, organize material, make decisions about what they think is most important, and learn vital computer skills. It will allow students to become comfortable using and experimenting with technology - a skill that will help ready them for technologically complicated jobs.